Do you want to support the project with your cooperation or financial capabilities, whether as a regional pilot, programmer or with your other skills? Our Teammembers in Berlin, Mannheim, Stuttgart and Munich are happy to meet with you!
Software developers
Are you technically vised, can you program or design websites? This project is based on your ability to create an intuitive, clear and feature-rich platform for thousands of people. Use and annotate the open-source code of tomorrow’s map, fork and improve. The map consists of Three Elements
- The surface of > Github: (main developer: David Ziegler, Slowtec GmbH, and Transition München )
- The OpenfairDB > Github (main developer: Markus Kohlhaas and Uwe Klotz, Slowtec GmbH)
- The Transition-Connect > Github (financing still open)
- App of Tomorrow (Google Play Store, Apple’s AppStore:) > Github
How to contribute
In order to have a clear and successful plattform, we have established a small process so that all software developers in the world can add features and be sure, that their work is reasonable and used by many.
- You are very welcome to contribute by reporting a bug or with any new or creazy ideas by creating an issue on this board: (Please describe the Problem, How many people are affected and possible solution strategies if you have some. But most important is the problem, which helps us to understand the urgency)
- There we start a discussion about how diffucult it is and who else it needs. As soon as a clear need and strategy is defined, it will go to the Product Management ->
- Our product management team consists of 2 Software-Developer (David and Markus) and one online-product-experienced social entrepreneuer (Simon K). This team decides about the most important features and how to integrate them.

Front: Uwe (Stuttgart), Helmut (Mannheim), David (Suttgart), Botho (Munic)
In the back-Windo-Mirrow: Simon K (Munic)
Current roadmap:
Our next development goals can also be found on our Betterplace profile
Go on the needs on Betterplace
Do you like to connect people to create meaningful things together? Then we need you in the strategy team at conferences and festivals, for public relations and to finance the project by users and sponsors.
Regional pilot * in
Do you know your city in the sustainability, transition or eco-scene? You have some background knowledge about the challenges of our time. Then become a regional or theme pilot, depending on whether you want to keep an eye on all the places in a region or certain topics all over Germany.
Map of the team of tomorrow
Forum of Tomorrow
The solidarity financing model on regional companies makes it clear that regional pilots are not just data controllers and that the contribution is not an administrative lump sum, but that the map of tomorrow is only through this support the associative How to shape people, initiatives and businesses. In addition to tomorrow’s map, there should be a local forum of tomorrow at least once a year on the Internet, where consumers, initiatives and companies exchange views on how they want to shape their future. An impulse for a sustainable economy, where the platform is actually only a small screwdriver for.
Ideas ³ e.V. Founded after the first forum of its kind, called the “Day of Ideas,” it has been offering days of ideas throughout Germany ever since.